News and Events
Black History Month (BHM) Events 2025
Feb 3
Carter G. Woodson BHM Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony of the Africana Studies Collection
Love Library, 3rd Floor
3 p.m.
Feb 5
BHM Lecture Series Part I: Archaeology of Nathan Harrison
Presenter: Dr. Seth Mallios
Location: AL-201
3 p.m.
Feb 10
Navigating Relationships
Moderator: Dr. Daniela Gomez
Location: Storm Hall 221
3 p.m.
Feb 11
BHM Lecture Series Part II: The Kushitic Calendar
Presenter: Dr. Asfaw Beyene
Location: Templo Mayor
3 p.m.
Feb 13
“Hidden Figures” Competition
Students will test their mathematical prowess.
Location: MSLC
5 p.m.
Feb 18
Africana Speech Competition
Students will test their oratory skills.
Location: Library Digital Humanities Center
3 p.m.
Feb 19
The Immortal Henrietta Lacks
Students will be exposed to the science and ethics behind HeLa Cells.
Location: Gold Auditorium
3 p.m.
Feb 20
BHM Lecture Series Part III: Afro-French Film & Representation
Presenter: Dr. Kishauna Soljour
Location: Engineering 427
3 p.m.
Feb 21
Black Classic Film Festival Day I
A showcase of Classic Black Films.
Location: Bernstein Theatre
2 p.m.
Feb 22
Black Classic Film Festival Day II
A showcase of Classic Black Films.
Location: Bernstein Theatre
10 a.m.
Feb 24
Africana Special Debate Competition
Students will test their debate skills in one-on-one debate.
Location: Library Digital Humanities Center
3 p.m.
Feb 25
Africana Quiz Bowl
Black Student Organizations battle for the coveted Africana Studies Quizbowl Trophy.
Location: Library Digital Humanities Center
3 p.m.
Feb 26
BHM Lecture Series Part IV: Reshaping Black Male Self-Identity
Presenter: K-Rhan
Location: Zoom
3 p.m.
Feb 28
BRC’s Black Research Symposium
A showcase of scholarship relating to Africana phenomena.
Location: Love Library, 3rd Floor
12-3 p.m.
MLK Annual Luncheon
The Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon is Friday, January 24, 2025, 11:30 am-1:30 pm in the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union, Montezuma Hall.
You are invited to be a sponsor of the event. Sponsorship of $525 includes recognition in the program booklet, eight tickets to the luncheon, and reserved seating.
It is important that you submit your reservation as soon as you can because reservations fill up quickly.
Please contact Tamika Lovelace in Africana Studies at [email protected] for more information.
Book Event Celebration: Taharka Adé
Thursday, Nov. 9, 2024 4-6 p.m.
Location: Black Resource Center
Please join us as we celebrate the new book from Taharka Adé - "W.E.B. Du Bois' Africa Scrambling for a new Africa."
W.E.B. Du Bois' Africa delivers for the first time a comprehensive Afrocentric investigation and critique of Du Bois’s writings on African history. It argues that while Du Bois presented at the time a strong critique of the Eurocentric construction of African history, many of Du Bois’s descriptions and arguments about African people and history were likewise flawed with interpretations that projected the cultural subjectivities of Europe. F
Taharka Adé is an assistant professor in the Department of Africana Studies at San Diego State University. Dr. Adé is an Africologist who primarily investigates the African antecedents of various cultural phenomena among African Americans ranging from language, religion, the arts, corporeal aesthetics, and motif.
Imagine Euorpe: Black Italians and Cultural Entrepreneurship in Film, Fiction, Music, and Social Media
Antonio Dikele Distefano in conversation with Fred Kuwornu
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 | 12:30-1:45 p.m. | Montezuma Hall
Antonio Dikele Distefano is an Italian writer, producer and filmmaker of Angolan descent, author of five successful young adult novels with combined sales exceeding 500,000 copies. He is the co-creator of the 2021 Netflix series Zero, and the director of the 2022 Amazon Prime film Autumn Beat, both featuring young Black Italian protagonists. An inspiration to many Black Italians, he has pioneered numerous projects in publishing, television, and social media. In 2016 he founded Esse Magazine – the largest and most influential rap publication in Italy today – to showcase Black artists and performers. He owns the communication agency Cantera. With his production company he is developing films that bring Black Italian performers onto the world stage. His mission is to produce quality projects that positively portray underserved communities.
Fred Kudjo Kuwornu is an Italian filmmaker and producer of Ghanaian descent based in New York. He is the director of Blaxploitalian 100 Years of Blackness in Italian Cinema (2016), 18 IUS SOLI (2011), on the racial prejudices of the Italian citizenship law, and Inside Buffalo (2010), on the 92nd Infantry Division and the contribution of African American soldiers during WWII. He started his film career in 2008 as a production assistant on the set of the film Miracle at St. Anna directed by Spike Lee.
Event organized in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles
and co-sponsored with IRA funds from the College of Arts and Letters.
MLK Annual Luncheon
The Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon is Friday, January 20, 2023.
The MLK Committee is planning an exciting celebration that will include great music, inspiring spoken word, delicious food and warm fellowship. Again, we will present the “Unsung Hero’ award. Nominations for the “Unsung Hero” award should be sent to Dr. Adisa A. Alkebulan, [email protected], by Friday, November 18, 2022.
The luncheon is a time for re-commitment and reflection. Join us in honoring Dr. King’s memory and legacy as we re-dedicate ourselves to the principles of “justice and equality for all.”
Contact Kaia Brown at [email protected] or 619-594-5341 to purchase seats or for more information.
Celebrating Palmares: Brazilian Black Consciousness Month
Thursday, November 17, 2022 | 12-2pm
@ Black Resource Center
5723 Lindo Paseo, San Diego, Ca 92115
Join Us for The Second Annual Celebrating Palmares
Afro-Brazilian Knowledge, Scholarship, Resistance, and Culture
Live Music and Free Pizza
Also learn more about the summer 2023 Study Abroad Program in Salvador, Bahia
Global Seminar: “Afro-Brazilian Community, Culture, And Identity”
Performance By Raquel Almeida Afro-Brazilian musician and singer
EmbarRACEments: African Diaspora and Afrophobia in Italy
Thursday, September 29, 2022
12:30-1:45 p.m.
Donald P. Shiley BioScience Center, Gold Auditorium, SDSU
While Italians supported the Black Lives Matter movement that was born in the United States, many remain blind to the rampant racism in their own society. In Italy there is excessive fear and great aversion to Africans, a condition which the UN and EU refer to as “Afrophobia.” This is a systemic, endemic phenomenon with multiple origins that contributes to a negative representation and perception of Africa. This view is at the root of racism in Italy, a racism that often expresses itself in the banality of people’s everyday language, micro-aggressions, and hypersexualized approaches toward women.
This presentation includes readings from Kossi Komla-Ebri’s two volumes of personal, ironically humorous anecdotes, translated in English as EmbarRACEments: Daily Embarrassments in Black and White . . . and Color (2019), focusing on issues of inclusivity, racism, and cultural conflict. EmbarRACEments tells the embarrassment of difference, the discomfort related to the Other, the culturally different, and, especially, the visibly different.
Kossi A. Komla-Ebri, born in Togo, is a medical surgeon and award-winning writer who lives near Como, Italy. His publications include Neyla (2002, 2019), translated and published in the USA, his volumes of anecdotes, Imbarazzismi, and Nuovi Imbarazzismi, translated into English (EmbarRACEments 2019), French (Embarracismes-Le racisme au quotidien, 2016) and Arabic (2021). He has recently published two books of fables, Gente udite la mia favola and Le due lezioni (2022), and a collection of short stories Avant que tombe la nuit (2021). The English translation of eleven short stories was published as Home by Bordighera Press in 2022.
He has been invited to speak at numerous conferences in Italy and internationally and has presented at university courses on issues related to Africa, black Italy, integration, interculturalism and migration literature.
Sponsored by the the Department of European Studies, the Center for European Studies,
the Italian Program and the Department of Africana Studies with CAL's IRA funds.
Africana Studies @ 50: A Retrospective of Art, Activism, and Scholarship
Visit our 50th Anniversary page for more details.
Ukuphazama iNatali: Bringing Queer and Indigenous Studies Approaches to South African History and Beyond
A Lecture By: T.J. Tallie, University of San Diego
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 2:30-4 p.m.
Gold Auditorium, Donald P. Shiley Bioscience Center
How can critical Indigenous and queer theoretical approaches transform the way we think about colonial history in South Africa (and beyond)? If settler colonialism itself is presented as a form of orientation, of making a recognizable and inhabitable home space for European arrivals on indigenous land, then native peoples and their continued resistance can serve to ‘queer’ these attempted forms of order. In such circumstances, the customs, practices, and potentially the very bodies of indigenous peoples can become queer despite remaining ostensibly heterosexual in orientation and practice, as their existence constantly undermines the desired order of an emergent settler state.
T.J. Tallie (he/they) is an Associate Professor of African History at the University of San Diego. He specializes in comparative settler colonial, Indigenous, queer, and imperial history, with a focus in the late nineteenth century. They are the author of "Queering Colonial Natal: Indigeneity and the Violence of Belonging in Southern Africa." Tallie's current research examines the creation and maintenance of settler monogamy across the nineteenth-century Anglophone world in relation to indigenous social formations, including polygamy.
Sponsored by LGBTQ+ Studies, the LGBTQ Research Consortium, Department of Africana Studies, and Department of History.
Black German Women and Intellectual Activism
March 10, 2022, 12:30-1:45pm
Peterson Gym, Room 153
In 1985, Black German men and women united and created a diasporic movement that connected people from across the nation. But Black women were key figures in the movement who helped to determine its cultural, political, and intellectual contours. Specifically, Dr. Florvil examines May Ayim and Ricky Reiser as examples of what she has coined “quotidian intellectuals,” intellectuals who stress the everyday in form and content. These two women, she argues, decolonized German knowledge in ways that made the Black diaspora and Black Germanness legible. Through their intellectual work, these Black German women also made significant epistemic interventions that allowed them to write themselves into German and diasporic history.
Tiffany N. Florvil is an Associate Professor of 20th-century European Women’s and Gender History at the University of New Mexico. She specializes in the histories of post-1945 Europe, the African diaspora, Black internationalism, as well as gender and sexuality. Her award-winning manuscript, Mobilizing Black Germany: Afro-German Women and the Making of a Transnational Movement (University of Illinois Press 2020), offers the first full-length study of the history of the Black German movement of the 1980s to the 2000s.
If you are unable to attend in-person and would like to join virtually, please register for the link.
Sponsored by the Department of European Studies with CAL IRA funds, the Center for European Studies, the Department of History, Africana Studies and the Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs (IEPA).
#JUSTICEFORGARVEY: Redeeming an African Hero: The Life, Legacy, and Exoneration of Marcus Garvey
Thursday, February 3, 2022
12:30-1:45 p.m.
Via Zoom
Please join us for our first Black History month program with Dr. Julius W. Garvey, M.D.
Surgeon and medical professor Dr. Julius W. Garvey was born on September 17, 1933 in Kingston, Jamaica to Universal Negro Improvement Association founder Marcus Garvey and activist Amy Jacques Garvey. The younger of two sons, Garvey was raised in Jamaica. He graduated from Wolmer's Trust High School for Boys in Kingston in 1950; and then earned his B.S. degree from McGill University in Montréal, Canada in 1957, and his M.D., C.M. degree from McGill University Faculty of Medicine in 1961. Garvey was a certified fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, the International College of Surgeons, and the American College of Chest Physicians, as well as a diplomat of the Board of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, the American Board of Surgery, the American Academy of Wound Management, and the American College of Phlebology.
Garvey and his wife, Constance Lynch Garvey, have three children: Nzinga, Makeda, and Paul.
Sponsored by Instructional Related Activities
Please visit the Black Resource Center's page for more Black History Month event information.
Celebrating Palmares: Live DJ Set
Live DJ set by DJ Nyack (Emicida/ Discopédia)
Thursday, November 18, 2021
6:00 p.m.
Black Resource Center
5723 Lindo Paseo, SDSU
DJ Set in Honor of Brazilian Black Consciousness Month
Brazilian Food and Dancing
Affirmative Action in Brazil: From Quotas for Black Students to Quotas for Public School Students
A lecture by Sales Augusto dos Santos
Thursday, November 18, 2021
4:00 p.m. PST
Join us via Zoom: https://SDSU.zoom.us/j/82855826135
Sales Augusto dos Santos holds a masters degree and doctorate in Sociology from the
University of Brasília (UnB)/Brazil and completed post-doctoral research at the Department
of African Studies at Brown University (2012-2013) and the Department of African &
African Diaspora Studies (DAADS) at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) (2019-2020).
He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Minas
Gerais (MG)/Brazil, as
well as Associate Researcher at the Afro-Brazilian Studies Nucleus (NEAB) of the University
of Brasília (UnB)/Brazil. He coordinated the Publications Working Group of the Brazilian
Association of Black Researchers (ABPN), from August 2008 to July 2010. He was also
one of the Coordinators of the Violência em Manchete Series, from the National Movement
of Human Rights (MNDH), from 1998 to 2002. He researches Brazilian race relations,
specifically focusing on racial inequalities, affirmative action policies and Black
social movements. He has published several books and numerous articles in Brazilian
and international academic journals on these topics. He was the first Brazilian academic
to receive the Martin Diskin Dissertation Award for best doctoral dissertation from
the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), in 2009.
Utopia of Freedom in the Americas: Quilombo and Marronage as Forms of Social Organization in the Diaspora
A lecture by Dr. Davi Pereira Junior
September 30, 2021
11:00-12:15 PST
Davi Pereira Junior, Ph.D. was born in the quilombola community of Itamatatiua in the south of the Municipality of Alcântara - Maranhão, Northeast Brazil. He holds a BA in History from the State University of Maranhão UEMA, a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Bahia UFBA, and a PhD in Latin American Studies from University of Texas at Austin. Pereira Junior has been a researcher for New Social Cartography in Brazil since 2005. He has extensive experience in researching and producing cartographies with Peoples and Traditional Communities in Brazil.
This lecture is hosted by Dr. Daniela Gomes’s class, AFRAS 300: Afro-Brazilian Community, Culture, and Identity.
The Black Female within the American Healthcare System: A Critical Race Theory Approach
The Department of Africana Studies Presents Black Women's History Month
Featuring Kamala Gipson-McElroy DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC Doctor of Nursing Practice Certified
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Tuesday, March 16th @ 10am
Dr. Gipson McElroy will be utilizing The Critical Race Theory framework to discuss the Black woman’s presence in the American healthcare system as patient and provider. Specifically, she discusses the historical trauma to the black female body, implications of white supremacy on health outcomes among Black women, and Black representation in areas of healthcare decision making.
Dr. Kamala Gipson-McElroy is a board-certified pediatric nurse practitioner prepared and who manages the health and wellness of the children in South Los Angeles. She is passionate about ensuring health equity among all children, children of color specifically, and black children especially, and mentoring the providers that also take care of them.
Dr. Gipson-McElroy has served medically underserved children in South Los Angeles for 15-years. She was recently appointed to leadership as manager of the advanced practice providers in ambulatory care at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Early this year Dr. Gipson-McElroy entered the virtual space, as the creator and writer of the blog “Where All The Children Are Well,” where she provides weekly evidence-based pediatric health information and topics surrounding health-care that can inform parents’ decisions regarding their children’s health.
Dr. Gipson-McElroy is a proud SDSU Africana-Studies alumna! She describes her studies and time in Africana-Studies as “life-changing.” After earning her Bachelor of Arts in Africana Studies, she went on to earned her registered nursing degree. Soon following she became a 3-time alumna from the UCLA School of Nursing holding a Bachelor (2010), and Master of Science in Nursing (2012), and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (2020). Her doctoral scholarly project focused on assisting pediatric providers with optimal assessment and documentation of ADHD symptoms among children utilizing an electronic health record mechanism. She was also inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society for leadership in 2019.
Dr. Gipson-McElroy is the wife of Corey and the mama to Christian (15) and Mackenzie (6). On a regular day you can find her reading with a cup of coffee, or in her urban garden listening to 90s R&B.
Sponsored by: Instructional Related Activities
Black History Month
The Department of Africana Studies is proud to bring you the following programs with an emphasis on Black men.
Black Film Fridays
The Black Fatherhood Project by Jordan Thierry
Friday, February 5, 5-8 p.m. (Film Screening from 5-7 followed by Q and A with director)
In The Black Fatherhood Project, filmmaker Jordan Thierry leads viewers through an honest and essential exploration of fatherhood in Black America, providing historical context and conversation for an issue at the core of the Black experience today. The information is timely, relevant, and is critical for addressing fatherhood in the African-American community.
Jordan Thierry is the Founder and Creative Director of Dream Chase Media LLC, a multimedia production company that uses culture, creativity and community as inspirations for compelling storytelling. His book A KIDS BOOK ABOUT SYSTEMIC RACISM was selected by Oprah for her 2020 best holiday gifts collection. His first feature film, THE BLACK FATHERHOOD PROJECT received wide community acclaim for its breakdown on the history of the Black family. Jordan is a graduate of University of Oregon and Howard University, and has worked as an educator, philanthropic consultant, lobbyist, and independent filmmaker. He is a proud board member of the Los Angeles Black Worker Center.
Fences by August Wilson starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davi
Friday, February 19, 5-8 p.m.
Fences; Troy Maxson (Denzel Washington) makes his living as a sanitation worker in 1950s Pittsburgh. Maxson once dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player but was deemed too old when the major leagues began admitting black athletes. Bitter over his missedopportunity, Troy creates further tension in his family when he squashes his son's (Jovan Adepo) chance to meet a college football recruiter.
King in the Wilderness
Friday, February 26, 5-8 p.m.
King in the Wilderness chronicles the final chapters of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, revealing a conflicted leader who faced an onslaught of criticism from both sides of the political spectrum. While the Black Power movement saw his nonviolence as weakness, and President Lyndon B. Johnson saw his anti-Vietnam War speeches as irresponsible, Dr. King’s unyielding belief in peaceful protest became a testing point for a nation on the brink of chaos.
All movies presented via Zoom.
Sponsored by Instructional Related Activities and a joint effort with Umoja at San
Diego City College.
The Sight and Sound of Black Manhood
Wednesday, February 10th from 10-11 a.m.
Join us via Zoom on 2/10
A presentation by Serie McDougal a professor in the Department of Pan African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles
This presentation will explore the bridges and barriers to understanding and perceiving the lives of Black men and boys. It will describe the rationale and approach to developing the recently published book: Black Men's Studies. Particular attention is given to how advancing the life chances of Black men, benefits Black families and communities.
Serie McDougal, III is a professor in the Department of Pan African Studies, California State University, Los Angeles. He received his B.S. in sociology from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. Additionally, he has an MA in Africana studies from the State University of New York at Albany, NY, and a PhD. in African American Studies from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Serie McDougal is also the co-director of the Afrometrics Research Institute.
Sponsored by Instructional Related Activities
Live Above the Hype: The experiences and social realities faced by young black men in the 21st century
Wednesday, February 24th from 10-11 a.m.
Join us via Zoom on 2/24
In this presentation, Mr. Vallatine will discuss the value systems versus the perceived behavior in the Hip Hop, young Black male culture and what educators and other youth-serving providers should know.
Training consultant, K-Rahn Vallatine, works with school teachers, psychologists,
and other youth service professionals to strengthen their insight and skillset in
trauma informed youth engagement. Throughout the years, Vallatine has served as a
school teacher, sat on a charter school’s Board of Directors, and has years of experience
working in Los Angeles’ juvenile halls and juvenile detention camps. Mr. Vallatine
is an alumnus of SDSU and was a double major in Africana Studies and Sociology.
Sponsored by Instructional Related Activities
The MLK Virtual Celebration
January 20-22, 2021
The Department of Africana Studies is planning an exciting 3 day virtual MLK event in place of the annual Luncheon.
Join us for all three days or our finale program on Friday, January 22, 2021.
- Wednesday, January 20, 2021: In Memory of MLK Part 1 @11:30 am
- Thursday, January 21, 2021: In Memory of MLK Part 2 @11:30 am
- Friday, January 22, 2021: Finale MLK Program @11:30 am
Watch the videos from this event.
Please consider being a sponsor for this event:
Several sponsorship levels accepted: $50 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Sponsorships of $300 dollars or more will be featured in our virtual program.
Questions, please contact Kaia Brown [email protected].

Professor Nesbitt Appears on BBC World News
With almost all of district results declared, the African National Congress (ANC) has won 58% of the ballot, well ahead of the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) on 21%. The ANC, which has been in power since 1994, won 62% of the vote at the last general election in 2014. Anger over the economy and corruption may have eroded its appeal.
Francis Nesbitt a professor of Africana Studies at San Diego State University says the low turn-out of voters is connected to the issues of corruption and the fact that a lot of the youth are unemployed and they feel the economy is not working for them, but rather for the small number of rich people and so they chose not to vote.
New Book Event
Friday, May 10, 2019
Join us for this upcoming event celebrating the publication of a new book by by Dr. Antwanisha Alameen-Shavers (SDSU) and Dr. Marquita M. Gammage (CSU, Northridge): Challenging Misrepresentations of Black Womanhood: Media, Literature and Theory. The book "investigates the stereotyping of Black womanhood and the larger sociological impact on Black women. The text details the historical and contemporary use of stereotypes against Black women and how Black women work to challenge and dispel false perceptions."
Black Women’s History Month Lecture Series
Black Student Mothers: A Culturally Relevant Exploratory Study
Monday, March 18, 2019
With Sureshi Jayawardene
Black single mothers are educated beyond high school and others are seeking education toward better conditions for themselves and their families. Nevertheless, one of the most prevailing racial stereotypes about Black single mothers is that of inadequacy, particularly that they are uneducated. Single mothers in college are challenged with balancing a range of responsibilities including school, parenthood, and often also employment. For Black single mothers, the added burden of racial stereotypes and myths present further challenges to succeeding as both students and parents. A more comprehensive view of the experiences of Black women student parents can help highlight strategies that are effective in responding to the challenges at the intersection of Black motherhood and role as student. This study offers data on the experiences of Black women student parents currently enrolled at select U.S. colleges and universities. It is culturally relevant and focuses on self-perceptions and agency in the lived realities of Black women who are student parents on college campuses. The findings aid in debunking negative racial stereotypes associated with Black mothers, adds to research about Black women’s educational attainment, highlights the needs of Black student mothers in higher education, and contributes to understandings of the outcomes of education for Black women.
To get a Little More Learning
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
With Candace Katungi
Candane Katungi is an assistant professor of Black Studies at San Diego Mesa College. Born and raised in San Diego, she double majored in Ethnic Studies and Political Science at U.C. San Diego, before heading to the east coast to pursue a master’s degree in Africana Studies. It was through Africana Studies that she discovered her love for history. Professor Katungi has a masters degree in Africana Studies and a masters degree in U.S. history , from Cornell University. She specializes in African American Women’s History, Black Intellectual traditions, nineteenth century America, and gender. Her current research explores the rise of the Radial Abolitionist Movement, through the lens of Black Women. She looks specifically at the centrality of spirituality, community service, and education, within Black Women’s work, and the Abolitionist Movement overall. Professor Katungi is also the co-author of “Committed to Institution Building: James Turner and the History of Africana Studies at Cornell, An Interview,” published in the Journal of American Studies (2012)
Reclaiming our Worth
Thursday, March 28, 2019
ISHE is a “Creative Visionary.” Artist, speaker, Facilitator and Author/Illustrator of an award winning children’s book entitled “Sol the Super Hairo,” which is a story celebrating the glory of natural beauty for children.
SHE is also the Co-Author of “I AM,” a multigenerational book of self-validating affirmations. ISHE has dedicated over 20 years to empowering diverse audiences through the arts.
HER purpose is to inspire women to fearlessly and fiercely embrace their creativity, authenticity, and inner beauty!
She is the Co-Creator and facilitator of “Women’s Worth: Reclaiming our Divinity & Our Destiny” A Multigenerational Women’s Empowerment Experiences that focuses on celebrating, uplifting, valuing and validating ALL WOMEN!
ISHE’s motto is “The More We Reveal—The More We Heal” and she believes that one of the 1st steps to creating strong confident girls and women is through reclaiming our feminine power, honoring our body, mind and spirit and redefining who we truly are!
Sponsored by Instructional Related Activities
Black History Month Lecture Series: History Month Lecture
Futurism in Africana Studies
with Ajani Brown
Monday, February 11, 2019
Ajani Brown is a double alumni of San Diego State University where he earned his
MFA in Creative Writing and BA in English. He proposed and developed the cutting edge
course, AfroFuturism, which is the interdisciplinary study of Afri can and African
American contributions to science fiction, comic book art, pop culture, and its origins
and influences using futurist topics and cultural production to discuss Social Justice
and Redefining Identity.
Seeing our futures clearly: Afrocentrism, the gaze, and reclaiming the apocalypse
with Dr. Jennifer Williams
Monday, February 25, 2019
Dr. Jennifer Williams earned her Ph.D. in African American Studies with a certificate in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies from Temple University. She received her BA in International Studies with an emphasis in African Studies from University of La Verne. Her research and teachings include African American Women's History, Black Queer Studies, Africana Nerd Culture, and Afrofuturism. Her current research explores understudies political expressions of African American women, such as in their digital media footprints, fashion and sexual activities.
California Censored: Queen Calafia Ruler of California!
with Tamra L. Dicus
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Tamra L. Dicus is a Patent Examiner and a former Thomas Jefferson School of Law student. She is the founder of California is Me and the author of "Who is the Black Queen Calafia of Golden California?: The Real Wonder Woman." The fictional narrative of Queen Calafia is the namesake of California and inspired DC Comics' Wonder Woman.
Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon
The Department of Africana Studies Presents:
Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon
Friday, January 25, 2019
Cost: $50 per person, $400 per table (seats 8), $500 sponsorship
Please contact Kaia Green with any questions at ext. 5341.
Filming the Female Immigrant Experience in Europe: Screening of Ibi (2017) by Andrea Segre and Q&A with the director
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Ibitocho Sehounbiatou (Ibi) took pictures and filmed her life in Italy for over 10 years. This film is born from her images, her creativity and her energy. The film is entirely based on the self-narration, direct and spontaneous, made by an immigrant woman telling about herself and about her Europe to her sons in Africa. This is an intense and intimate journey into the difficult, lively and colorful world of a visual artist.
Ibi was born in Benin in 1960. In 2000 she decided to take a big risk in order to give her three children a better future. She left them with her mother and accepted to transport some drug from Nigeria to Italy – but she didn’t succeed. She spent three years in jail in Naples. Once released she stayed in Italy, unable to see her children and her mother for 15 years. In Italy, she became a photographer and started to film her life in order to make them understand what it was like. She described her life and her house in Castel Volturno, where she lived with her new companion, Salami, and Italy where she tried to get her dignity and hope back. This film was made starting from the images Ibi shot.
Andrea Segre returns to SDSU with a powerful new documentary. Segre is an award-winning director of films and documentaries for cinema and television. His filmmaking is concerned primarily with issues of migration and human rights. Among his documentaries are South of Lampedusa (2006), Like A Man on Earth (2008), and Closed Sea (2012). His feature films include Shun Li and the Poet (2011), First Snowfall (2013) and The Order of Things (2017). He is also a researcher in Sociology of Communication and the founder of the association ZaLab, which develops collaborative productions and participatory video workshops.
Co-sponsored with the Department of European Studies, the Italian Studies Program, Circolo italiano, Le Cercle Français, the Center for European Studies, the Department of Women’s Studies, the College of Arts and Letters, and the San Diego Italian Film Festival
New Article Published
Congratulations to Dr. Antwanisha Alameen-Shavers whose new article, Not a Trophy Wife: (Re) Interpreting the Position held by Queens of Kemet during the new kingdom as a political seat, has been published in the Journal of Black Studies Vol 49, Issue 7, pp. 647 – 671.
Diop Conference 2018
Faculty from Africana Studies will present at the 30th Annual Cheikh Anta Diop International Conference, October 12 and 13, 2018, at the African American Museum in Philadelphia. Presentations will include:
- “Black Student mothers: A culturally relevant exploratory study” - Dr. Sureshi Jayawardene
- “An examination of post-Obama African American leadership: A Reckoning” - Dr. Adisa Alkebulan
- “(RE)Turn to the Feminine Divine to Increase the Power vested in Black Womanhood: A Mandate for Strengthening African Agency” - Dr. Antwanisha Alameen-Shavers
Spare the Child: Why Whupping Children Won’t Save Black America
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
A Lecture by Dr. Stacey Patton
Raised by abusive adoptive parents and shuttled from numerous foster homes and youth shelters throughout the State of New Jersey, Dr. Patton is now an award-winning journalist, author, historian, college pro-fessor, motivational speaker and passionate children’s advocate.
This event is sponsored by The Department of Africana Studies, Student Affairs, The
Office of Special Projects in the College of Education, The School of Social Work,
The Department of Child and Family Development, the Community Based Block Program,
and the Departments of Women's Studies and Chicana/Chicano Studies the Cultural Competency
Minor. The event is also supported by Student Success Fees.
Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon
The Department of Africana Studies Presents:
Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon
Friday, January 19, 2018
Please contact Kaia Green with any questions at ext. 5341.